Are you ready to thrive in every area of your life?


I am a wife and mother to 5 beautiful children. I am also a mother and caretaker to horses, chickens, cats and dogs & a large acreage garden.

I’ve been journeying with Life Coaching for the last seven years. I have received immensely in grace and tools for changing my life and facing many challenges with the help of a trusted Life Coach. My journey working with Life Coaches has been trans-formative to every area of my life. I have received so much from their wisdom, understanding, strategy and prayers. ​I have been training in many techniques of prayer ministry, spiritual gifts, and mentoring to be a Life Coach.

What I am known for…


I am a woman who is passionate about being life giving to women who are choosing to truly live their life. I long for us to experience empathy, compassion, understanding, wisdom, love and honour. I am here to meet you, walk with you, and genuinely connect with you. I long to bring more dignity and legitimacy to women as they choose more for themselves. I long to journey with women as they choose more healing, more courage, more adventures, and life changes.

I choose to embrace and blanket them in honour bringing out the hidden treasure of their own uniqueness as women created by God to bring tremendous treasure to this world. I want to bless, pray, laugh and witness the grand adventures sometimes cloaked in the mundane of your everyday life. I want to partner with God to dig and uncover the hidden treasures within your spirit, soul and body.


“Sonia gently and carefully walked with me into places that I have never thought they were blocks in my life. Papa God showed me His unconditional love where I was able to experience it in a new way, I will never be the same, because now this adventure does not end.”


I value life giving to women who are choosing to truly live their life. I long for us to experience empathy, compassion, understanding, wisdom, love and honour.


Massage Training
LisaGrace Byrne Wellness Coaching
New Renaissance
SLG Leadership Training
Aslansplace Academy Training

I offer a partnership in unity harmonizing with you towards your goals of wholeness in spirit, soul and body.

“In my time with Sonia I learned a lot about myself, I learned that healing from my past wasn't only possible but with God miraculously quick and painless. She helped open doors that I had only hoped for…”


I am here to meet you, walk with you, and genuinely connect with you. I will help you tap into your own treasure of who you are; helping you know your story and rewrite it where necessary. I will help you reconcile and begin a restoration of a relationship with God who is your ultimate life giver.
